Entries in Ambience (1)



I'm looking forward to the book launch party for Santa Barbara Katie L. Lindley's A Man for Every Purpose: My Naked Journey Searching for Love, a deliciously candid and witty tale of the Santa Barbara author's search for true love.

As Katie herself puts it on her website "I began writing A Man for Every Purpose out of a desire to keep record of my past mistakes and simultaneously help others. I am a strong believer in the power of manifestation, which is the knowledge that people create their own realities."

The idea that women might take responsibility for their own sex and romantic lives instead of simply blaming men is a genuinely empowering concept for women to embrace and one that's currently too often forgotten in the midst of the #MeToo-blame-men movement. And it's also a really fun read.

Katie's book launch party will be held on Friday May 25th from 4 -- 7 PM at Ambience, 1266 Coast Village Road in Montecito.


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